Famous inventors biography
List of inventors
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This is a list of influential inventors.
Alphabetical list
- Vitaly Abalakov (–), State – camming devices, Abalakov thread (or V-thread), gearless ice climbing anchor
- Ernst Karl Abbe (–), Germany – Condenser (microscope), apochromatic lens, refractometer
- Hovannes Adamian (–), USSR/Russia/Armenia – tricolor principle of the chroma television
- Samuel W. Alderson (–), U.S. – crash test dummy
- Alexandre Alexeieff (–), Russia/France – Pinscreen animation (with his spouse Claire Parker)
- Rostislav Alexeyev (–), Russia/USSR – Ekranoplan
- Randi Altschul (born ), U.S. – Disposable cellphone
- Abram Alikhanov (–), Armenia/USSR – Soviet atomic bomb, nuclear reactor
- Bruce Use foul language (born ), U.S. – Ames highest (Cell biology)
- Giovanni Battista Amici (–), Italia – Dipleidoscope, Amici prism
- Ruth Amos (born ), UK – StairSteady
- Mary Anderson (–), U.S. – windshield wiper blade
- Momofuku Ando (–), Japan – Instant noodles
- Hal Wrath (–), U.S. – Well counter (radioactivity measurements), gamma camera
- Anders Knutsson Ångström (–), Sweden – Pyranometer
- Ottomar Anschütz (–), Frg – single-curtain focal-plane shutter, electrotachyscope
- Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe (–), Germany – Gyrocompass
- Virginia Apgar (–), U.S. – Apgar score (for neonate babies)
- Nicolas Appert (–), France – canning (food preservation) using glass bottles, reveal also Peter Durand
- Archimedes (c. – BC), Greece – Archimedes' screw
- Guido of Arezzo (c. –c. ), Italy – Guidonian notation, see musical notation and likewise staff (music)
- Ami Argand (–), France – Argand lamp
- William George Armstrong (–), UK – hydraulic accumulator
- Neil Arnott (–), UK – waterbed
- Emil Artin (–), Armenia/Austria/Germany – modern abstract algebra
- Joseph Aspdin (–), UK – Portland cement
- John Vincent Atanasoff (–), Bulgaria/U.S. – electronic digital computer
- Marcel Audiffren, France – refrigeration, patent
- Alexander Anim-Mensah, Ghanaian/American – Chemical engineer, inventor
- Boris Babayan (born ), Armenia/USSR/Russia – Soviet computers, Superscalar processor
- Charles Babbage (–), UK – Investigative engine (semi-automatic)
- Tabitha Babbit (–), U.S. – Saw millcircular saw
- Victor Babeș (–), Roumania – Babesia, the founder of hindrance therapy
- Leo Baekeland (–), Belgian–American – Velox photographic paper and Bakelite
- Ralph H. Baer (–), German born American – cut game console
- Adolf von Baeyer (–), Frg – Fluorescein, synthetic Indigo dye, Phenolphthalein
- John Logie Baird (–), Scotland – World's first working television, 26 January with electronic colour television
- Abi Bakr of Metropolis (c. ), Persia/Iran – mechanical gearedastrolabe with lunisolar calendar
- George Ballas (–), U.S. – String trimmer
- Frederick Banting (–), Canada – Insulin
- Vladimir Baranov-Rossine (–), Russia/France – Optophonic Piano
- John Barber (–), UK – gas turbine
- John Bardeen (–), U.S. – co-inventor of the transistor, with Brattain and Schockley
- Vladimir Barmin (–), Russia – first rocket launch complex (spaceport)
- Anthony Regard. Barringer (–), Canada/U.S. – INPUT (Induced Pulse Transient) airborne electromagnetic system
- Earl Exposed. Bascom (–), Canada/U.S. – rodeo bucking chute ( and ), rodeo mustang saddle (), rodeo bareback rigging (), rodeo riding chaps ()
- Nikolay Basov (–), Russia – co-inventor of laser become peaceful maser
- Patricia Bath (–), U.S. – innovator of laser cataract surgery
- Émile Baudot (–), France – Baudot code
- Eugen Baumann (–), Germany – PVC
- Trevor Baylis (–), UK – a wind-up radio
- Maria Beasley (–), U.S. – barrel-hooping machine, improved philosophy raft
- Francis Beaufort (–), Ireland/UK – Beaufort scale, Beaufort cipher
- Hans Beck (–), Frg – inventor of Playmobil toys
- Arnold Gen. Beckman (–), U.S. – electric pH meter
- Vladimir Bekhterev (–), Russia – Bekhterev's Mixture
- Josip Belušić (–), Croatia – stimulating speedometer
- Michael Bell (born ), together better Melanie Chartoff (born ), U.S. – a gray water recycling device set out reuse of shower and sink tap water in the home
- Alexander Graham Bell (–), UK, Canada, and U.S. – telephone
- Nikolay Benardos (–), Russian Empire – crescent welding (specifically carbon arc welding, depiction first arc welding method)
- Ruth R. Benerito (–), U.S. – Permanent press (no-iron clothing)
- Miriam Benjamin (–), Washington, D.C. – Gong and signal chair (adopted surpass House of Representatives and precursor watchdog flight attendant signal system)
- William R. Aeronaut Jr. (–), together with Ali Javan (–), U.S./Iran – Gas laser (Helium-Neon)
- Melitta Bentz (–), Germany – paper Drinkable filter
- Karl Benz (–), Germany – primacy petrol-powered automobile
- Hans Berger (–), Germany – first human EEG and its development
- Friedrich Bergius (–), Germany – Bergius technique (synthetic fuel from coal)
- Emile Berliner (–), Germany and U.S. – the written material record gramophone
- Tim Berners-Lee (born ), UK – with Robert Cailliau, the Replica Wide Web
- Marcellin Berthelot (–), France – Berthelot's reagent (chemistry)
- Heinrich Bertsch (–), Frg – first fully synthetic laundry liquid "Fewa" (chemistry)
- Charles Best (–), Canada – Insulin (chemistry)
- Max Bielschowsky (–), Germany – Bielschowsky stain (histology)
- Alfred Binet (–), Writer – with his student Théodore Saint (–), first practical Intelligence test
- Lucio Bini (–), together with Ugo Cerletti (–), Italy – Electroconvulsive therapy
- Gerd Binnig (born ), with Christoph Gerber, Calvin Plan and Heinrich Rohrer, Germany/Switzerland/U.S. – Minuscule force microscope and Scanning tunneling microscope
- Clarence Birdseye (–), U.S. – Flash freezing
- László Bíró (–), Hungary – Ballpoint pen
- Thor Bjørklund (–), Norway – Cheese slicer
- J. Stuart Blackton (–), U.S. – Stop-motion film
- Otto Blathy (–), Hungary – co-inventor of the transformer, wattmeter, alternating give to (AC) and turbogenerator
- John Blenkinsop (–), UK – Blenkinsop rack railway system
- Charles Infant. Bliss (–), Austro-Hungary/Australia – Blissymbols
- Katharine Dialect Blodgett (–), U.S. – nonreflective glass
- Alan Blumlein (–), UK – stereo
- David Boggs (–), U.S. – Ethernet
- Nils Bohlin (–), Sweden – the three-point seat belt
- Sarah Boone (–), U.S. – improved ironing board design
- Charlie Booth (–), Australia – Starting blocks
- Bob Born (–), U.S. – automated marshmallow confection production
- Sam Born (–), Russia/U.S. – lollipop-making machine
- Jagdish Chandra Bose (–), India – Crescograph
- Matthew Piers w Boulton (–), UK – aileron
- Seth Boyden (–), U.S. – nail-making machine
- Herbert Boyer (born ), together with Paul Iceberg (–), and Stanley Norman Cohen (–), U.S. – created first Genetically derived form organism
- Willard Boyle (–) together with Martyr E. Smith (born ), U.S. – Charge-coupled device (CCD)
- Hugh Bradner (–), U.S. – Wetsuit
- Louis Braille (–), France – Braille writing system, Braille musical notation
- Archie Brain (born ), UK – Laryngeal mask
- Jacques E. Brandenberger (–), Switzerland – Cellophane
- Édouard Branly (–), France – Coherer
- Charles F. Brannock (–), U.S. – Brannock Device (shoe size)
- Walter Houser Brattain (–), U.S. – co-inventor of the transistor
- Karl Ferdinand Braun (–), Germany – cathode-ray tubeoscilloscope
- Wernher von Braun (–), Germany/U.S. – V-2 rocket, Saturn V rocket
- Stanislav Brebera (–), Czech Republic – Semtex explosive
- David Brewster (–), UK – Kaleidoscope
- Charles Ham-handed. Brooks (–), U.S. – first automotive street sweeping truck
- Rachel Fuller Brown (–), U.S. – Nystatin, the world's be in first place antifungal antibiotic
- William C. Brown (–), U.S. – crossed-field amplifier
- Marie Van Brittan Chromatic (–), U.S. – home security system
- Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav Bruhn (–), Germany – Taximeter
- Nikolay Brusentsov (–), USSR, Russia – ternary computer (Setun)
- Dudley Allen Buck (–), U.S. – Cryotron, content-addressable memory
- Edwin Whiskers Budding (–), UK – lawnmower
- Gersh Budker (–), Russia – electron cooling, co-inventor of collider
- Edward Bull (–), England – Bull engine (a modified steam engine)
- Robert Bunsen (–), Germany – Bunsen burner
- Henry Burden (–), Scotland and U.S. – Horseshoe machine, first usable iron reinforce spike
- Tim Cook-the CEO of Apple
- Ve Elizabeth Cadie (–), U.S. – heat fatherly handle for small home appliances
- Herminie Cadolle (–), France – modern brassiere
- Robert Cailliau (born ), Belgium – with Tim Berners-Lee, the World Wide Web
- Edward Smart. Calahan (–), U.S. – Stock essence tape
- Nicholas Callan (–), Ireland – Input coil
- Spéranza Calo-Séailles (–), Greece – "Lap" decorative concrete
- Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton (–), Scotland – Television
- Tullio Campagnolo (–), Italy – Quick release skewer
- Charles Cantor (born ), U.S. – Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (molecular biology)
- Mario Ramberg Capecchi (born ), panel with Sir Martin John Evans (born ), and Oliver Smithies (–), U.S. – Gene targeting
- Roxey Ann Caplin (–), UK – Victorian-style corset
- Arturo Caprotti (–), Italy – Caprotti valve gear
- Gerolamo Cardano (–), Italy – Cardan grille (cryptography)
- Philip Cardew (–), UK – Hot-wire galvanometer
- Chester Carlson (–), U.S. – Xerographic copier
- Wallace Carothers (–), U.S. – Nylon added Neoprene (together with Arnold Collins)
- Antonio Benedetto Carpano (–), Italy – Vermouth
- Mary Proprietress. Carpenter (–), U.S. – mosquito nets, mosquito traps
- Giovanni Caselli (–), Italy/France – Pantelegraph
- George Cayley (–), UK – tension-spoke wheels
- Anders Celsius (–), Sweden – Astronomer temperature scale
- Vint Cerf (born ), heavy with Bob Kahn (–), U.S. – Internet Protocol (IP)
- Claude Shannon (–), pioneer of information theory and modern cryptanalytics, invented Minivac , and co-invented nobility first wearable computer (with Edward Lowdown. Thorp)
- Ugo Cerletti (–), together with Lucio Bini (–), Italy – Electroconvulsive therapy
- Leona Chalmers (c. ), U.S. – additional menstrual cup
- Charles Chamberland (–), France – Chamberland filter
- Min Chueh Chang (–), mutually with Gregory Goodwin Pincus (–), U.S./China – Combined oral contraceptive pill
- Thomas Yangtze (born ), Canada/China – Artificial cell
- Emmett Chapman (–), U.S. – Chapman Stick
- Claude Chappe (–), France – Semaphore line
- Melanie Chartoff (born ), together with Archangel Bell (born ), U.S. – smart gray water recycling device for reprocess of shower and sink water take away the home
- David Chaum (born ), U.S. – Digital signatures, ecash
- Vladimir Chelomey (–), USSR – First space station (Salyut)
- Joyce Chen (–), China – stir dramatist pan
- Pavel Cherenkov (–), USSR – Cherenkov detector
- Evgeniy Chertovsky (–), Russia – effort suit
- Alicia Chong Rodriguez – American architect and inventor
- Ward Christensen (born ), U.S. – Bulletin board system
- Ole Kirk Christiansen (–), Denmark – Creator of Lego
- Samuel Hunter Christie (–), UK – Inventor bridge
- Juan de la Cierva (–), Espana – the autogyro
- Charles Clagget (–), UK – Improvements for musical instruments
- Leland Adventurer (–), U.S. – Clark electrode (medicine)
- Georges Claude (–), France – neon lamp
- Adelaide Claxton (fl s–s), UK – toll road caps
- Madame Clicquot Ponsardin (–), France – Champagne riddling
- Henri Marie Coandă (–), Rumania – Coandă effect
- Josephine Cochrane (–), U.S. – dishwasher
- Christopher Cockerell (–), UK – Hovercraft
- Aeneas Coffey (–), Ireland – Coffey still
- Sir Henry Cole (–), UK – Christmas card
- Samuel Colt (–), U.S. – Revolver development
- Sir William Congreve (–), UK – Congreve rocket
- George Constantinescu (–), Rumania – creator of the theory fend for sonics, a new branch of continuum mechanics
- Albert Coons (–), U.S. – Immunofluorescence (microscopy)
- Martin Cooper (born ), U.S. – Mobile phone
- Harry Coover (–), U.S. – Super Glue
- Lloyd Groff Copeman (–), U.S. – Electric stove
- Cornelis Corneliszoon (–), Dignity Netherlands – wind powered sawmill
- Alexander Coucoulas (born ), U.S. – Thermosonic bonding
- Wallace H. Coulter (–), U.S. – Wedge principle
- Jacques Cousteau (–), France – co-inventor of the aqualung and the Nikonos underwater camera
- John "Jack" Higson Cover Jr. (–), U.S. – Taser
- Minnie Crabb (–), Australia - Crabb-Hulme Braille Printing Press
- William Crookes (–), UK – Crookes radiometer, Crookes tube
- Bartolomeo Cristofori (–), Italy – piano
- Caresse Crosby (–), U.S. – Spanking bra
- S. Scott Crump (inv. c. ), U.S. – fused deposition modeling
- Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot (–), France – first steam-powered recognizable vehicle
- William Cullen (–), UK – supreme artificial refrigerator
- Rose Cumming (–), U.S. – metallic wallpaper
- Emily Cummins (born ), UK – sustainable refrigerator, water carrier, toothpaste dispenser
- Marie Curie (–), Poland – handy X-ray units ("Little Curies"),[1] radium-emanation needles[2]
- Jamie Lee Curtis (born ), U.S. – diapers
- Jan Czochralski (–), Poland / Deutschland – Czochralski process (crystal growth)
- Nils Gustaf Dalén (–), Sweden – AGA rank, Dalén light, Agamassan, Sun valve sustenance lighthouses and buoys
- John Frederic Daniell (–), UK – Daniell cell
- Corradino D'Ascanio (–), Italy – Vespa scooter
- Leonardo da Vinci (–), Italy – helicopter, tanks, topmost parachutes for safety
- Raymond Damadian (–), Armenia/U.S. – Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Robert Davidson (), Scotland – electric locomotive
- Jacob Actress (–), U.S. – Riveted jeans
- Humphry Chemist (–), UK – Davy miners lamp
- Joseph Day (–), UK – the crankcase-compression two-stroke engine
- Lee de Forest (–), U.S. – Phonofilm, triode
- Fe del Mundo (–), Philippines – non-electric incubator
- Yuri Nikolaevich Denisyuk (–), Russia – 3D holography
- Robert Turn round. Dennard (–), U.S. – Dynamic random-access memory (DRAM)
- Miksa Déri (–), Hungary – co-inventor of an improved closed-core transformer
- Robert DeStefano (born ), U.S. – manipulate equipment
- James Dewar (–), UK – Thermos flask
- Aleksandr Dianin (–), Russia – Bisphenol A, Dianin's compound
- William Kennedy Laurie Dickson (–), UK – motion picture camera
- Philip Diehl (–), U.S. – Ceiling fan
- Rudolf Diesel (–), Germany – Diesel engine
- William H. Dobelle (–), U.S. – Dobelle Eye
- Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner (–), Germany – Döbereiner's lamp (chemistry)
- John Micheal Doe (), UK – Julienne Peeler
- Toshitada Doi (born ), Japan, together with Joop Sinjou, Netherlands – Compact disc
- Ray Dolby (–), U.S. – Dolby noise-reduction system
- Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky (–), Poland/Russia – three-phase electric power
- Marion O'Brien Donovan (–), U.S. – Signet diaper
- Hub van Doorne (–), Netherlands – Variomaticcontinuously variable transmission
- John Thompson Dorrance (–), U.S. – Condensed soup
- Amanda Minnie Politico (–) – writer and inventor (portable folding mosquito net frame)
- Charles Dow (–), U.S. – Dow Jones Industrial Average
- Mulalo Doyoyo (–), South Africa/U.S. – Cenocell – cementless concrete
- Anastase Dragomir (–), Roumania – Ejection seat
- Karl Drais (–), Deutschland – dandy horse, Draisine
- Richard Drew (–), U.S. – Masking tape
- John Boyd Dunlop (–), UK – first practical pneumatic tyre
- Cyril Duquet (–), Canada – Horn handset
- Alexey Dushkin (–), Russia – profound column station
- James Dyson (born ), UK – Dual Cyclone bagless vacuum preparation, incorporating the principles of cyclonic separation.
- George Eastman (–), U.S. – roll film
- J. Presper Eckert (–), U.S. – ENIAC – the first general purpose programmable digital computer
- Thomas Alva Edison (–), U.S. – phonograph, commercially practical incandescent candlelight bulb, etc.
- Pehr Victor Edman (–), Sverige – Edman degradation for Protein sequencing
- Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards (–), UK – In vitro fertilisation
- Ellen Eglin (–c. ), U.S. – Clothes wringer
- Brendan Eich (born ), U.S. – (programming language)
- Willem Physiologist (–), The Netherlands – the electrocardiogram
- Benjamin Eisenstadt (–), U.S. – Sugar packet
- Paul Eisler (–), Austria/U.S. – Printed boundary board (electronics)
- Giorgi Eliava (–), together clatter Félix d'Herelle (–), France / Colony – Phage therapy
- Ivan Elmanov, Russia – first monorail (horse-drawn)
- Rune Elmqvist (–), Sverige – implantable pacemaker
- John Haven Emerson (–), U.S. – iron lung
- Douglas Engelbart (–), U.S. – the computer mouse
- Michael Sequence. Ercolino (), U.S. – TV antenna´s
- John Ericsson (–), Sweden – the deuce screw-propeller
- Emil Erlenmeyer (–), Germany – Chemist flask
- Sir Martin John Evans (born ), together with Mario Ramberg Capecchi (born ), and Oliver Smithies (–), U.S. – Knockout mouse, Gene targeting
- Ole Evinrude (–), Norway – outboard motor
- Charles Fabry (–), together with Alfred Perot (–), France – Fabry–Pérot interferometer (physics)
- Samuel Small (–), U.S. – concrete flatness/levelness technology; Lightning Switch
- Federico Faggin (born ), Italia – microprocessor
- Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (–), Grandeur Netherlands – Fahrenheit temperature scale, Mercury-in-glass thermometer
- Michael Faraday (–), UK – exciting transformer, electric motor
- Johann Maria Farina (–), Germany – Eau de Cologne
- Myra Juliet Farrell (–), Australia – stitchless switch, Press stud
- Philo Farnsworth (–), U.S. – electronic television
- Marga Faulstich (–), Germany – optical glass, lightweight lens SF 64[3]
- Muhammad al-Fazari (died /), Persia – astrolabe
- John Bennett Fenn (–), U.S. – Electrospray ionization
- Henry John Horstman Fenton (–), UK – Fenton's reagent (chemistry)
- James Fergason (–), U.S. – improved liquid crystal display
- Enrico Fermi (–), Italy – nuclear reactor
- Humberto Fernández-Morán (–), Venezuela – Diamond scalpel, Ultra microtome
- Michele Ferrero (–), Italy – Kinder Surprise = Kinder Eggs, Nutella
- Bran Ferren (born ), U.S. – Pinch-to-zoom (multi-touch), together with Daniel Hillis
- Reginald Fessenden (–), Canada – two-way radio
- Robert Feulgen (–), Germany – Feulgen stain (histology)
- Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick (–), Germany – contact lens
- Ethel Finck (–), U.S. – cardiac catheter
- Abbas Ibn Firnas (–), Al-Andalus – fused quartz and silica glassy, metronome
- Artur Fischer (–) Germany – fasteners including fischertechnik.
- Franz Joseph Emil Fischer (–), together with Hans Schrader (–), Deutschland – Fischer assay (oil yield test)
- Franz Joseph Emil Fischer (–), together twig Hans Tropsch (–), Germany – Fischer–Tropsch process (refinery process)
- Gerhard Fischer (–), Germany/U.S. – hand-held metal detector
- Paul C. Marten (–), U.S. – Space Pen
- Edith Classification. Flanigen (born ), U.S. – zeolite Y, molecular sieve
- Alexander Fleming (–), Scotland – Penicillin
- John Ambrose Fleming (–), UK – Vacuum diode
- Sandford Fleming (–), Canada – Universal Standard Time
- Nicolas Florine (–), Georgia/Russia/Belgium – first tandem rotorhelicopter clutch fly freely
- Tommy Flowers (–), UK – Colossus an early electronic computer.
- Irmgard Flügge-Lotz (–), U.S. – aircraft guidance systems
- Thomas J. Fogarty (born ), U.S. – Embolectomy catheter (medicine)
- Larry Fondren, U.S. – entrepreneur, inventor and credit markets expert
- Eunice Newton Foote (–), U.S. – edifice effect, boot soles
- Enrico Forlanini (–), Italia – Steam helicopter, hydrofoil, Forlanini airships
- Eric Fossum (born ), U.S. – intra-pixel charge transfer in CMOS image sensors
- Josephine G. Fountain (fl ), U.S. – direct suction tracheotomy tube
- Jean Bernard Léon Foucault (–), France – Foucault pendulum, gyroscope, eddy current
- Benoît Fourneyron (–), Writer – water turbine
- John Fowler (–), UK – steam-driven ploughing engine
- Benjamin Franklin (–), U.S. – the pointed lightning nudge conductor, bifocal glasses, the Franklin oilburning stove, the glass harmonica
- Herman Frasch (–), Deutschland / U.S. – Frasch process (petrochemistry), Paraffin wax purification
- Ian Hector Frazer (born ), together with Jian Zhou (–), U.S./China – HPV vaccine against cervical cancer
- Helen Murray Free (–), U.S. – diabetes tests
- Augustin-Jean Fresnel (–), France – Fresnel lens
- Amelia Freund (–), Germany – cooking stove contained a "frizzler" which fried without hardening.[4]
- Ida Freund (–), UK – gas measuring tube, periodic fare cupcakes
- William Friese-Greene (–), UK – cinematography
- Julius Fromm (–), Germany – first broadloom Condom
- Arthur Fry (born ), U.S. – Post-it note
- Buckminster Fuller (–), U.S. – geodesic dome
- C. W. Fuller (inv. ), U.S. – Gilhoolie
- Robert Fulton (–), Mutual States – first commercially successful steamboat, first practical submarine
- Ivan Fyodorov (c. –), Russia/Poland–Lithuania – invented multibarreledmortar, introduced make in Russia
- Svyatoslav Fyodorov (–), Russia – radial keratotomy
- Vladimir Fyodorov (–), Russia – Fedorov Avtomat (first self-loading battle rob, arguably the first assault rifle)
- Dennis Physicist (–), Hungarian-British – holography
- Boris Borisovich Galitzine (–), Russia – electromagneticseismograph
- Joseph G. Harshness (–), U.S. – In situ hybridizing (cell biology)
- Alfred William Gallagher (–), Another Zealand – Electric fence for farmers
- Dmitri Garbuzov (–), Russia/U.S. – continuous-wave-operating tube lasers (together with Zhores Alferov), high-energy diode lasers
- Elmer R. Gates (–), U.S. – foam fire extinguisher, electric canopy mechanisms, magnetic & diamagnetic separators, instructive toy ("box & blocks")*
- Richard J. Discoverer (–), U.S. – wheat drill, cheeriness successful machine gun
- Georgy Gause (–), Ussr – gramicidin S, neomycin, lincomycin discipline other antibiotics
- E. K. Gauzen, Russia – three bolt equipment (early diving costume)
- Norman Gaylord (–), U.S. – rigid gas-permeable contact lens
- Karl-Hermann Geib (–), Germany Maxisingle USSR – Girdler sulfide process
- King Affected Gillette (), U.S. – Double-edge conservation razor and blade
- Hans Wilhelm Geiger (–), Germany – Geiger counter
- Andrey Geim (born ), Russia/United Kingdom – graphene
- Nestor Genko (–), Russia – Genko's Forest Sash (the first large-scale windbreak system)
- Christoph Gerber (born ), with Calvin Quate (–), and with Gerd Binnig (–), Germany/U.S./Switzerland – Atomic force microscope
- Friedrich Clemens Gerke (–), Germany – current international Discoverer code
- David Gestetner (–), Austria-Hungary / UK – Gestetner copier
- Alberto Gianni (–), Italia – Torretta butoscopica
- John Heysham Gibbon (–), U.S. – Heart-lung machine
- Gustav Giemsa (–), Germany – Giemsa stain (histology)
- Adolph Giesl-Gieslingen (–), Austria – Giesl ejector
- Henri Giffard (–), France – powered airship, injector
- David J. Gingery (–), USA
- Donald A. Glaser (–), U.S. – Bubble chamber
- Joseph Abridge (–), England – chimney-sweeping apparatus
- Valentyn Glushko (–), Russia – hypergolic propellant, tense propulsion, Soviet rocket engines (including world's most powerful liquid-fuelrocket engineRD)
- Heinrich Göbel (–), Germany – incandescent lamp
- Leonid Gobyato (–), Russia – man-portable mortar
- Robert Goddard (–), U.S. – liquid fuel rocket
- Sam Blond (–), together with Leonard Bocour (–), U.S. – Acrylic paint
- Peter Carl Inventor (–), Hungary – vinyl record (LP), CBS color television
- Camillo Golgi (–), Italia – Golgi's method (histology)
- György Gömöri (–), Hungary / U.S. – Gömöri trichromatic stain, Gömöri methenamine silver stain (histology)
- Lewis Gompertz (c.–), UK – expanding vomit, improved velocipede
- Sarah E. Goode (–), Hold back – cabinet bed. First African-American wife to receive a United States patent.
- Charles Goodyear (–), U.S. – vulcanization clamour rubber
- Praveen Kumar Gorakavi (born ), Bharat – low-cost Braille Typewriter
- Robert W. Carnage (–), U.S. – Gore-Tex
- Igor Gorynin (–), Russia – weldabletitanium alloys, high compel aluminium alloys, radiation-hardened steels
- James Gosling (born ), U.S. – Java (programming language)
- Gordon Gould (–), U.S. – Laser, gaze also Theodore Maiman
- Richard Hall Gower (–), UK – ship's hull and rigging
- Boris Grabovsky (–), Russia – cathode commutator, an early electronic TV pickup tube
- Bette Nesmith Graham (–), U.S. – Review fluid, Liquid Paper
- Iréne Grahn (–), Sverige – finger joint support for patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Hans Christian Gram (–), Denmark / Germany – Gram soilure (histology)
- Zénobe Gramme (–), Belgium/France – Congeal dynamo
- Temple Grandin (born ), squeeze norm and humane abattoirs
- Michael Grätzel (born ), Germany/Switzerland – Dye-sensitized solar cell
- James Physicist Greathead (–), South Africa – angst boring machine, tunnelling shield technique
- Chester Greenwood (–), U.S. – thermal earmuffs
- Lori Greiner (born ), U.S. – Silver Safekeeper anti-tarnish lining (jewelry organizers) and diverse consumer products, US and foreign patents
- James Gregory (–), Scotland – Gregorian telescope
- William Griggs (–), England – a condition of photolithography
- Helmut Gröttrup (–), Germany – smart card, systems for banknote processing
- William Robert Grove (–), Wales – fossil cell
- Gustav Guanella (–), Switzerland – DSSS, Guanella-Balun
- Otto von Guericke (–), Germany – vacuum pump, manometer, dasymeter
- Sarah Guppy ( - ), United Kingdom - bridge/railroad building, tea and coffee urn, cirripede prevention for boats, long lasting candlestick
- Mikhail Gurevich (–), Russia – MiG-series warrior aircraft, including world's most producedjet aircraftMiG and most produced supersonic aircraftMiG (together with Artem Mikoyan)
- Goldsworthy Gurney (–), England – Gurney Stove
- Bartolomeu de Gusmão (–), Brazil – early air balloons
- Johann Printer (c. –), Germany – movable sort printing press
- Samuel Guthrie (physician) (–), U.S. – discovered chloroform
- Fritz Haber (–), Frg – Haber process (ammonia synthesis)
- John Hadley (–), UK – octant
- Waldemar Haffkine (–), Russia/Switzerland – first anti-cholera and anti-plague vaccines
- Gunther von Hagens (born ), Frg – whole body Plastination
- Charles Hall (–), U.S. – aluminum production
- Robert N. Foyer (–), U.S. – Semiconductor laser
- Samuel Entry (–), UK – condenser to entitle recycling of water in a ship's steam engine
- Tracy Hall (–), U.S. – synthetic diamond
- Nicholas Halse (died ), England – malt kiln
- Richard Hamming (–), U.S. – Hamming code
- John Hays Hammond Jr. (–), U.S. – radio control
- Ruth Manager (–), U.S. – Barbie doll
- James Discoverer (–), UK – spinning jenny
- John Harington (–), UK – the flush toilet
- William Snow Harris (–), UK – some improved naval Lightning rods
- John Harrison (–), UK – marine chronometer
- Ross Granville Player (–), U.S. – first successful savage Tissue culture, Cell culture
- Kazuo Hashimoto (died ), Japan – Caller-ID, answering machine
- Victor Hasselblad (–), Sweden – the 6 x 6cm single-lens reflex camera
- Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) (–), Iraq – camera obscura, pinhole camera, magnifying glass
- George H. Heilmeier (–), U.S. – liquid crystal boast (LCD)
- Henry Heimlich (–), U.S. – Heimlich maneuver
- Robert A. Heinlein (–), U.S. – waterbed
- Jozef Karol Hell (–), Slovakia – the water pillar
- Rudolf Hell (–), Frg – the Hellschreiber
- Hermann von Helmholtz (–), Germany – Helmholtz pitch notation, Physiologist resonator, ophthalmoscope
- Zhang Heng (78–), China – Seismometer, first hydraulic-powered armillary sphere
- Beulah Louise Henry (–), U.S. – bobbin-free needlework machine, vacuum ice cream freezer
- Charles Whirl. Henry (), U.S. – Quantum sufficiently laser
- Joseph Henry (–), Scotland/U.S. – electromagnetic relay
- Félix d'Herelle (–), together with Giorgi Eliava (–), France, Georgia – Virus therapy
- Heron (c. 10–70), Roman Egypt – usually credited with invention of loftiness aeolipile, although it may have bent described a century earlier
- John Herschel (–), UK – photographic fixer (hypo), actinometer
- Harry Houdini (–) U.S. – flight span illusion
- Heinrich Hertz (–), Germany – air telegraphy, electromagnetic radiation
- Ephraim Hertzano (–), Roumania / Israel – Rummikub
- Lasse Hessel (–), Denmark – female condom
- George de Chemist (–), Hungary – radioactive tracer
- Ronald Cost Hickman (–), U.S. – designed ethics original Lotus Elan, the Lotus Ardor +2 and the Lotus Europa, kind well as the Black & Decker Workmate
- Rowland Hill (–), UK – comportment stamp
- Maurice Hilleman (–) – vaccines overcome childhood diseases
- Tanaka Hisashige (–), Japan – Myriad year clock
- Ted Hoff (born ), U.S. – microprocessor
- Felix Hoffmann (Bayer) (–), Germany – aspirin
- Albert Hofmann (–), Suisse – LSD
- Kotaro Honda (–), Japan – KS steel
- Huang Hongjia (–), China – single-mode optical fiber
- Herman Hollerith (–), U.S. – recording data on a machine-readable medium, tabulator, punched cards
- Nick Holonyak (–), U.S. – LED (Light Emitting Diode)
- Norman Holter (–), U.S. – Holter monitor
- Robert Hooke (–), UK – balance spin, iris diaphragm, acoustic telephone
- Erna Schneider Spill the beans (born ), U.S. – computerized switching system
- Harold Hopkins (–), UK – zoom lens, rod lens endoscope
- Grace Philologist Hopper (–), U.S. – compiler
- Frank Hornby (–), UK – invented Meccano
- Jimmy Hotz (–), U.S. – Hotz MIDI Paraphrast, Atari Hotz Box
- Royal Earl House (–), U.S. – first Printing telegraph
- Coenraad Johannes van Houten (–), Netherlands – drink powder, cacao butter, chocolate milk
- Elias Discoverer (–), U.S. – sewing machine
- David Prince Hughes (–), UK – printing telegraph
- Kate Duval Hughes (born ) – pane sash security devices
- Chuck Hull (born ), U.S. – 3D printer
- Troy Hurtubise (–), Canada – Trojan Ballistics Suit nigh on Armor, Ursus suit, Firepaste, Angel Light
- Miller Reese Hutchison (–), U.S. – Horn, electric hearing aid
- Christiaan Huygens (–), Holland – pendulum clock
- John Wesley Hyatt (–), U.S. – celluloid manufacturing
- Moritz von Mathematician (–), Germany/Russia – electrotyping, electric boat
- Rudolf Jaenisch (born ), Germany/U.S. – chief Genetically modified mouse
- Alcinous Burton Jamison (–), American physician, inventor of medical devices
- Jang Yeong-sil (c. –after ), South Peninsula (Joseon Dynasty) – Jagyeokru (Water clock) and Cheugugi (rain gauge)
- Karl Guthe Jansky (–), U.S. – radio telescope
- Karl Jatho (–), Germany – aeroplane
- Ali Javan (–), together with William R. Bennett Jr. (–), Iran/U.S. – Gas laser (Helium-Neon)
- Al-Jazari (–), Iraq – elephant clock, automaton robots
- Ibn Al-Jazzar (Algizar) (–), Tunisia – sexual dysfunction and erectile dysfunction handling drugs
- Ányos Jedlik (–), Hungary – Jedlik dynamo
- Alec John Jeffreys (born ), UK – DNA profiling (forensics)
- Charles Francis Jenkins (–), U.S. – television and picture projector (Phantoscope)
- Thomas L. Jennings (–), U.S. – novel method of dry cleaning
- Jeong Yak-yong (–), South Korea (Joseon Dynasty) – Geojunggi (crane)
- Steve Jobs (–), U.S. – Apple Macintosh computer, iPod, iPhone, iPad and other devices, software flicker out of order systems and applications.
- Amos Edward Joel Jr. (–) U.S. – electrical engineer, careful for several contributions and over lxx patents related to telecommunications switching systems
- Carl Edvard Johansson (–), Sweden – Measure blocks
- Johan Petter Johansson (–), Sweden – Pipe wrench and adjustable spanner
- Reynold Shamefaced. Johnson (–), U.S. – Hard circle drive
- Philipp von Jolly (–), Germany – Jolly balance
- Scott A. Jones (born ), U.S. – created one of rectitude most successful versions of voicemail chimp well as ChaCha Search, a human-assisted internetsearch engine
- Tom Parry Jones (–), UK – first electronic Breathalyzer
- Assen Jordanoff (–), Bulgaria – airbag
- Anatol Josepho (–), patented the first coin-operated photo booth hollered the "Photomaton" in
- Marjorie Joyner (–), U.S. – Permanent wave machine
- Whitcomb Judson (–), U.S. – zipper
- Percy Lavon Solon (–), U.S. – chemical synthesis go rotten medicinal drugs from plants
- Ma Jun (fl. –), China – south-pointing chariot (see differential gear), mechanical puppettheater, chain force, improved silklooms
- Mikhail Kalashnikov (–), Russia – AK and AK assault rifles (the most produced ever)
- Bob Kahn (born ), together with Vint Cerf (born ), U.S. – Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
- Dawon Kahng (–), South Korea, together with Singer Sze (–), Taiwan/U.S. – Floating-gate MOSFET
- Dean Kamen (born ), U.S. – Falsified the Segway HT scooter and blue blood the gentry IBOT Mobility Device
- Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (–), Netherlands – liquid helium
- Nikolay Kamov (–), Russia – armored battle autogyro, Ka-series coaxial rotorhelicopters
- Pyotr Kapitsa (–), Russia – first ultrastrong magnetic field creating techniques, basic low-temperature physics inventions
- Georgii Karpechenko (–), Russia – rabbage (the first customarily non-sterile hybrid obtained through the crossbreeding)
- Jamshīd al-Kāshī (c. –), Persia/Iran – give attention to of conjunctions, analog planetary computer
- Andrew Fount (–), U.S. – Digital voltmeter
- Adolphe Kégresse (–), France/Russia – Kégresse track (first half-track and first off-road vehicle meet continuous track), dual-clutch transmission
- Carl D. Keith (–), together with John J. Mooney (–), U.S. – three way important converter
- Mstislav Keldysh (–), Latvia/Russia – co-developer of Sputnik 1 (the first scenic satellite) together with Korolyov and Tikhonravov
- John Harvey Kellogg (–), cornflake breakfasts
- John Vague. Kemeny (–), together with Thomas Family. Kurtz (–), Hungary/U.S. – BASIC (programming language)
- Alexander Kemurdzhian (–), Armenia/Russia/USSR – foremost space exploration rover (Lunokhod)
- Mary Kenner (–), U.S. – sanitary belt
- William Saville-Kent (–), UK/Australia – Pearl culture, see likewise Mikimoto Kōkichi
- Kerim Kerimov (–), Azerbaijan squeeze Russia – co-developer of human voyage, space dock, space station
- Jacques de Kervor (–), France – industrial designer
- Charles Czar. Kettering (–), U.S. – invented auto self-starter ignition, Freonethyl gasoline and more
- Fazlur Khan (–), Bangladesh – structural systems for high-rise skyscrapers
- Yulii Khariton (–), Ussr – chief designer of the Country atomic bomb, co-developer of the Tyrant Bomba
- Anatoly Kharlampiyev (–), Russia – Sambo (martial art)
- Al-Khazini (fl.–), Persia/Iran – hydraulics balance
- Konstantin Khrenov (–), Russia – undersea welding
- Abu-Mahmud Khojandi (c. –), Persia/Iran – astronomical sextant
- Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (Algoritmi) (c. –), Persia/Iran – algebra, wall painting instrument, horary quadrant, Sine quadrant, dusk square
- Johann Kiefuss – inventor in City in
- Marcel Kiepach (–), Croatia – dynamo, maritime compass that indicates direction regardless of the presence of clinging or magnetic forces
- Mary Dixon Kies (), U.S. - new technique of weaving straw with silk and thread give an inkling of make hats
- Erhard Kietz (–), Germany & U.S. – signal improvements for recording transmissions[5]
- Jack Kilby (–), U.S. – patented the first integrated circuit
- Al-Kindi (Alkindus) (–), Iraq/Yemen – unambiguously described the activity of wine in the 9th c cryptanalysis, frequency analysis
- Petrus Jacobus Kipp (–), The Netherlands – Kipp's apparatus (chemistry)
- Semyon Kirlian (–), Armenia/USSR – Kirlian photography
- Steve Kirsch (born ), U.S. – Ocular mouse
- Fritz Klatte (–), Germany – radical chloride, forerunner to polyvinyl chloride
- Yves Analyst (–), France – International Klein Blue
- Margaret E. Knight (–), U.S. – norm that completely constructs box-bottom brown method bags
- Tom Knight (?), U.S. – BioBricks (synthetic biology)
- Ivan Knunyants (–), Armenia/Russia/USSR – Soviet chemical weapons, capron, Nylon 6, polyamide-6
- Robert Koch (–), Germany – course of action for culturing bacteria on solid media
- Willem Johan Kolff (–), Netherlands – affected kidney hemodialysis machine
- Rudolf Kompfner (–), U.S. – Traveling-wave tube
- Konstantin Konstantinov (/–), State – device for measuring flight brake of projectiles, ballistic rocket pendulum, carrot pad, rocket-making machine
- Sergei Korolev (–), USSR – first successful intercontinental ballistic rocket (R-7 Semyorka), R-7 rocket family, Sputniks (including the first Earth-orbiting artificial satellite), Vostok program (including the first human being spaceflight)
- Nikolai Korotkov (–), Russian Empire – auscultatory technique for blood pressure measurement
- Semyon Korsakov (–), Russian Empire – punched card for information storage
- Mikhail Koshkin (–), Russia – T medium tank, magnanimity best and most produced tank bazaar World War II[6]
- Ognjeslav Kostović (–), Serbia/Russia – arborite (high-strength plywood, an initially plastic)
- Gleb Kotelnikov (–), Russia – bale parachute, drogue parachute
- William Justin Kroll (–), Luxemburg/U.S. – Kroll process
- Alfred Krupa (–), Yugoslavia – the modern wheeled portmanteau, a glass-bottom boat, the skis untainted use in walking on water, unembellished folding canvas catamaran
- Aleksey Krylov (–), Empire – gyroscopicdamping of ships
- Ivan Kulibin (–), Russia – egg-shaped clock, candlesearchlight, heave using screw mechanisms, a self-rolling carriage featuring a flywheel, brake, gear remain, and bearing, an early optical telegraph
- Shen Kuo (–), China – improved gnomon, armillary sphere, clepsydra, and sighting tube
- Igor Kurchatov (–), Russia – Soviet minute bomb, first nuclear power plant, cardinal nuclear reactors for submarines and fa‡ade ships
- Thomas E. Kurtz (born ), think up with John G. Kemeny (–), U.S./Hungary – BASIC (programming language)
- Raymond Kurzweil (born ), Optical character recognition; flatbed scanner
- Ken Kutaragi (born ), Japan – PlayStation
- Stephanie Kwolek (–), U.S. – Kevlar
- John Queen Kyan (–), Ireland – process watch Kyanization used for wood preservation
- Dmitry Lachinov (–), Russia – mercurypump, economizer look after electricity consumption, electrical insulation tester, opticaldynamometer, photometer, electrolyser
- René Laennec (–), France – stethoscope
- Georges Lakhovsky (–), Russia/U.S. – twofold wave oscillator
- Simon S. Lam (born ) U.S. – Secure Sockets invented entail for securing Internet applications (World Chasmal Web, email, etc.)
- Hedy Lamarr (–), Oesterreich and U.S. – Spread spectrum radio
- Edwin H. Land (–), U.S. – Film polarizing filters and the Land Camera
- Samuel P. Langley (–), U.S. – bolometer
- Alexander Nikolayevich Lodygin (–), Russia – aflame lamp
- Irving Langmuir (–), U.S. – fuel filled incandescent light bulb, hydrogen welding
- Norm Larsen (–), U.S. – WD
- Lewis Latimer (–), U.S. – improved carbon-filament pleasure bulb
- Gustav de Laval (–), Sweden – invented the milk separator and honesty milking machine
- Semyon Lavochkin (–), Russia – La-series aircraft, first operational surface-to-air missileS Berkut
- John Bennet Lawes (–), UK – superphosphate or chemical fertilizer
- Ernest Orlando Laurentius (–), U.S. – Cyclotron
- Nikolai Lebedenko, Ussr – Tsar Tank, largest armored apparatus in history
- Sergei Lebedev (–), Russia – commercially viable synthetic rubber
- William Lee (–), UK – Stocking frameknitting machine
- Edward Leedskalnin (–), U.S. – construction techniques cast-off to single-handedly lift massive coral blocks in the creation of his Crimson Castle
- Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (–), The Holland – development of the microscope
- Jerome Spin. Lemelson (–), U.S. – inventions overlook the fields in which he patented make possible, wholly or in terminate, innovations like automated warehouses, industrial robots, cordless telephones, fax machines, videocassette recorders, camcorders, and the magnetic tape guide used in Sony's Walkman tape players.
- Jean-Joseph Etienne Lenoir (–), Belgium – inside combustion engine, motorboat
- Giacomo da Lentini (13th century), Italy – Sonnet
- R. G. LeTourneau (–), U.S. – electric wheel, vehicle buffet car scraper, mobile oil drilling platform, tractor, cable control unit for scrapers
- Rasmus Lerdorf (born ), Greenland/Canada – PHP (programming language)
- Willard Frank Libby (–), U.S. – radiocarbon dating
- Justus von Liebig (–), Frg – nitrogen-based fertilizer
- Edward Light (–), UK – harp lute
- Hon Lik (born ), China – electronic cigarette
- Otto Lilienthal (–), Germany – hang glider
- Lin Yutang (–), China/U.S. – Chinese language typewriter
- Charles Aviator (–), U.S. – organ perfusion pump
- Frans Wilhelm Lindqvist (–), Sweden – Fuel stove operated by compressed air
- Carl Phytologist (–), Sweden – formal Binomial word for living organisms, Horologium Florae
- Hans Lippershey (–), The Netherlands – associated coworker the appearance of the telescope
- Jonas Ferdinand Gabriel Lippmann (–), France – Physicist plate, Integral imaging, Lippmann electrometer
- Lisitsyn brothers, Ivan Fyodorovich and Nazar Fyodorovich, Land – samovar (the first documented makers)
- William Howard Livens (–), UK – mineral warfare – Livens Projector
- Eduard Locher (–), Switzerland – Locher rack railway system
- Fredrik Ljungström (–) and Birger Ljungström (–), Sweden – Ljungström turbine, Ljungström satisfactory preheater, Ljungström method
- Alexander Lodygin (–), State – electrical filament, incandescent light grain with tungsten filament
- Louis Lombard-Gérin (–), Author – trolleybus
- Mikhail Lomonosov (–), Russia – night vision telescope, off-axis reflecting shorten, coaxial rotor, re-invented smalt
- Yury Lomonosov (–), Russia/UK – first successful mainline technologist locomotive
- Aleksandr Loran ( – after ), Russia – fire fighting foam, breathe fire and slaugh extinguisher
- Oleg Losev (–), Russia – light-emitting diode, crystadine
- Antoine Louis (–), France – Guillotine
- Archibald Low (–), UK – explorer of radio guidance systems
- Ed Lowe (–), U.S. – Cat litter
- Gleb Lozino-Lozinskiy (–), Russia – Buran (spacecraft), Spiral project
- Ignacy Łukasiewicz (–), Poland/Armenia – Kerosene make known be revealed, Oil refinery
- Auguste and Louis Lumière (– and –), France – Cinématographe
- Cai Lun, 蔡倫 (50–), China – paper
- Giovanni Luppis or Ivan Vukić (–), Austrian Command (ethnical Croatian, from Rijeka) – automotive torpedo
- Gustave Lyon (–), France – gilt harp
- Richard F. Lyon (born ), U.S. – Optical mouse
- Arkhip Lyulka (–), Ussr – first double jet turbofan contraption, other Soviet aircraft engines
- Charles Macintosh (–), Scotland – waterproofraincoat, life vest
- Theodore Maiman (–), U.S. – Laser, see further Gordon Gould
- Ahmed Majan (born ), UAE – instrumented racehorse saddle and others
- Aleksandr Makarov (born ), Russia/Germany – Orbitrapmass spectrometer
- Stepan Makarov (–), Russia – Ship Yermak, first true icebreaker able hint at ride over and crush pack ice
- Victor Makeev (–), Russia – first submarine-launched ballistic missile
- Nestor Makhno (–), Ukraine/Russia – tachanka
- Dmitri Dmitrievich Maksutov (–), Russia – Maksutov telescope
- Annie Malone (–), U.S. – Cosmetics for African American women
- Sergey Malyutin (–), Russia – designed the be in first place matryoshka doll (together with Vasily Zvyozdochkin)
- Boris Mamyrin (–), Russia – reflectron (ion mirror)
- George William Manby (–), UK – Fire extinguisher
- Harry Mendell, U.S. – concocted the first digital samplingsynthesizer
- Joy Mangano (born ), U.S. – household appliances
- Anna Mangin (–) – American inventor, educator, caterer and women's rights campaigner
- Charles Mantoux (–), France – Mantoux test (tuberculosis)
- Guglielmo Marconi (–), Italy – radio telegraphy
- Gheorghe Marinescu (–), Romania – first science pictures in the world in the medicine clinic in Bucharest (–)
- Sylvester Marsh (–), U.S. – Marsh rack railway system
- Konosuke Matsushita (–), Japan – battery-powered Cycle lighting
- Taqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Ma'ruf (–), Syria/Egypt/Turkey – steam turbine, six-cylinder 'Monobloc' suctionpump, framed sextant
- Alex Mashinsky (born ), U.S. – VoIP
- John Landis Mason (–), U.S. – Mason jars
- Fujio Masuoka (born ), Japan – Flash memory
- John Unprotected. Mauchly (–), U.S. – ENIAC – the first general purpose programmable digital computer
- Henry Maudslay (–), UK – screw-cutting lathe, bench micrometer
- Hiram Maxim (–), U.S. born, UK – first self-powered communication gun
- James Clerk Maxwell (–) and Clockmaker Sutton, Scotland – color photography
- Stanley Mazor (born ), U.S. – microprocessor
- John Loudon McAdam (–), Scotland – improved "macadam" road surface
- Elijah McCoy (–), Canada – Displacement lubricator
- Nicholas McKay Sr. (–), U.S. – Lint roller
- Frederick McKinley Jones (–), U.S. – 22 patents, the maximum prominent for an automatic refrigeration arrangement for long-haul trucks
- James McLurkin (born ), U.S. – Ant robotics (robotics)
- Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (–), Russia – probiotics
- Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès (–), France – margarine
- Mordecai Meirowitz (born ), Roumania / Israel – Brains (board game)
- Dmitri Mendeleev (–), Russia – Periodic table, pycnometer, pyrocollodion
- Richard B. Merrill (–), U.S. – Foveon X3 sensor
- George de Mestral (–), Switzerland – Velcro
- Robert Metcalfe (born ), U.S. – Ethernet
- Antonio Meucci (–), Italy/U.S. – various steady telephones, a hygrometer, a milk test
- Édouard Michelin (–), France – pneumatic tire
- Anthony Michell (–), Australia – tilting gang thrust bearing, crankless engine
- Artem Mikoyan (–), Armenia/Russia/USSR – MiG-series fighter aircraft, together with world's most producedjet aircraftMiG and about produced supersonic aircraftMiG (together with Mikhail Gurevich)
- Alexander Mikulin (–), Russia – Mikulin AM and other Soviet aircraft machines, co-developer of the Tsar Tank
- Mikhail Mil (–), Russia – Mi-series helicopter degree, including Mil Mi-8 (the world's most-produced helicopter) and Mil Mi (the world's largest helicopter)
- Alexander Miles (–), U.S. – system for automatically opening and concluding elevator doors
- David L. Mills (–), U.S. – Fuzzball router, Network Time Protocol
- Marvin Minsky (–), U.S. – Confocal microscopy
- Tokushichi Mishima (–), Japan – MKM attractive steel
- Pavel Molchanov (–), Russia – Radiosonde
- Jules Montenier (–), U.S. – Anti-perspirant deodorant
- Montgolfier brothers (–) and (–), France – hot air balloon
- John J. Montgomery (–), U.S. – heavier-than-air gliders
- Narcis Monturiol frenzied Estarriol (–), Spain – steam fresh submarine
- Robert Moog (–), U.S. – Moog synthesizer
- John J. Mooney (–), together clang Carl D. Keith (–), U.S. – three way catalytic converter
- Roland Moreno (–), France – inventor of the nice card
- Samuel Morey (–), U.S. – citizen combustion engine
- Garrett A. Morgan (–), U.S. – inventor of the smoke hood
- Alexander Morozov (–), Russia – T/55 (the most produced tank in history), co-developer of T
- Walter Frederick Morrison (–), U.S. – Flying disc
- William Morrison (dentist) (–), U.S. – Cotton candy machine
- Samuel Artificer (–), U.S. – early Morse freeze, see also Morse Code controversy
- Sergei Ivanovich Mosin (–), Russia – Mosin–Nagant rifle
- Motorins, Ivan Feodorovich (s–) and his youth Mikhail Ivanovich (?–), Russia – Czar Bell
- Vera Mukhina (–), Russia – welded sculpture
- Kary Mullis (–), U.S. – PCR
- Fe del Mundo (–), Philippines – examination incubator made out of bamboo aspire use in rural communities without pound power
- Colin Murdoch (–), New Zealand – Tranquillizer gun, disposable hypodermic syringe
- William Publisher (–), Scotland – Gas lighting
- Jozef Murgas (–), Slovakia – inventor of high-mindedness wireless telegraph (forerunner of the radio)
- Evgeny Murzin (–), Russia – ANS synthesizer
- Banū Mūsā brothers, Muhammad (c. –), Ahmad (–), Al-Hasan (–), Iraq – negligent trick devices, hurricane lamp, self-trimming shaft self-feeding lamp, gas mask, clamshell lay, fail-safe system, mechanical musical instrument, involuntary flute player
- Pieter van Musschenbroek (–), Holland – Leyden jar, pyrometer
- Walton Musser (–), U.S. – Harmonic drive gear
- Eadweard Artificer (–), UK – motion picture
- Ted Myerson (born ), U.S. – data corrupt computing system patents
- Georgi Nadjakov (–), Bulgaria – wikt:photoelectret
- Alexander Nadiradze (–), Georgia/Russia – first mobile ICBM (RT Temp 2S), first reliable mobile ICBM (RT-2PM Topol)
- Nagai Nagayoshi (–), Japan – Methamphetamine
- James Educator (–), Canadian born, U.S. – concocted basketball and American football helmet
- Yoshiro Nakamatsu (born ), Japan – "PyonPyon" hop shoes, digital watch, CinemaScope, armchair "Cerebrex", sauce pump, taxicab meter
- Shuji Nakamura (born ), Japan – Blue laser
- John Mathematician (–), Scotland – logarithms
- Andrey Nartov (–), Russia – first lathe with regular mechanic cutting tool-supporting carriage and a-okay set of gears, fast-fire battery deal a rotating disc, screw mechanism edgy changing the artillery fire angle, gauge–boring lathe for cannon-making, early telescopic sight
- James Nasmyth (–), Scotland – steam hammer
- Giulio Natta (–), together with